APR 5, 2016

Show Ring Attire You Need to Win Your Horse Show

As we get into spring, the equestrian world is entering the start of the showing season. This can be daunting for everyone participating, especially people new to horse showing. The numerous rules and customs of the correct showing attire changes from class to class, making it incredibly difficult for new people to feel comfortable. At Carrington Fabrics, we regularly manufacture fabrics for equestrian clothing, giving us an insight into what you need to wear when showing your horse.


Riding jackets

One of the most important aspects of any showing outfit is a high quality, well-fitted riding jacket. Many different classes specify a tweed jacket, including mountain & moorland, hunter and cob classes.

If you’re entering a hack class, tweed jackets are specified for men and allowed as an option for women. Despite this, it’s preferred for women to wear a black or navy showing jackets in a hack class.

If you’re showing an arab horse, you generally have the option between blue and tweed showing jackets.

For show pony classes, your child should wear a navy showing jacket, although other pony classes allow tweed.

If you’re in a showing class with different types of horse, such as equitation, you should dress correctly for your type of horse. For example, if your horse is a mountain & moorland breed, ensure you wear tweed.

Shirts and ties

The vast majority of showing classes will require you to wear a shirt and tie. Whilst you can occasionally wear a striped shirt, most of the time, it should be plain and complement your jacket.

Your tie will also need to co-ordinate with your jacket and any buttonhole or browband you and your horse wear. These should enhance your overall appearance without detracting from your horse and your riding.

Show class judges tend to choose a tidy, neat and traditional look and generally frown on excessive ‘glitter’ and ‘sparkle’.

Jodhpurs and boots

Whilst jodhpur colour specifications vary between different classes, beige and similar neutral colours are generally allowed.

Canary jodhpurs are often seen in mountain & moorland, show pony, hunter and arab horse classes. For hack showing classes, yellow and cream are also allowed. If you’re showing a cob, you must wear beige Jodhpurs.

Another general rule to follow is that if you are under 16, you should wear short jodhpur boots with jodhpur clips.

Over 16s should wear long leather riding boots with garter straps if your boots have no rear zip.

Some showing classes, in particular show pony classes, specify these boots should be brown, but generally the colour of your boots should be chosen according to how well they suit the rest of your outfit and your horse’s tack.

Riding helmets

No matter which showing class you’ve entered, it’s highly recommended you wear a correctly fitted riding hat made in accordance with current safety standards, preferably in blue velvet. Bowlers and beaglers are traditionally worn in some classes, such as hunter classes, but they offer you no protection. You should never get marked down in any class for choosing safety over traditional headwear.

Finishing touches

To create a neat and tidy look, ensure your hair is tied back and securely fixed in a hairnet. The only jewellery accepted is a tie or stock pin, and brown or black gloves should be worn as part of your outfit. Finally, a black or brown leather showing cane that matches your outfit will complete the look.

Created on 5th April 2016
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